Saturday, September 30, 2006

More Hoosiers Pictures

Hoosiers Weekend 06

Here’s to an era gone by. A day when the true ballers and shot callers rocked black high top chucks, ‘quitter’ socks, and shiny sugar shorts (with, for some unknown reason, belts). It is about time that these golden greats received the respect they deserve. So, last weekend a small band of brothers set out to do just that. Gathered from the four winds, they came. This is their story…

Okay. May bad on the dramatic intro. I couldn’t help it. Anyway… my ‘old school homies’ came to visit good ol’ Wilmore last weekend to help me celebrate my 30th birthday. We dubbed it ‘The Jimmy Chitwood Invitational’ because on Friday night we all watched “Hoosiers” on a giant screen (thanks Justin), and some of us may or may not have teared up…again. But just a little. The next morning, we drove 3 ½ hours to Indiana to play ball in the actual gym where they filmed the movie! That’s right…the Hickory Huskers’ homecourt. It is preserved to look just like the film. (Check out Amazing. Here are a few pictures to commemorate the pilgrimage. Sorry I am a sweaty beast in most of them. The cool old fella you see is a man named Reid. He volunteers at the gym as resident story teller, tour guide and hoosiers historian.
Much love to my fellas…my best friends in the world…those that I have begun to describe as the fellowship (or, to borrow a very fitting phrase from Tim K, ‘the brotherhood’). Even if you weren't there, you know who you are. I love you guys. Also, thanks to my sweet Sarah, the mastermind behind the whole weekend (and everything else that’s good in my life). And, of course, we tip our hats to Shooter, for reminding us to never get caught watchin’ the paint dry.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


This is a song that my friend Mark Benjamin and I wrote together 2 years ago. It was inspired by a series of chapels at Asbury Seminary named KingdomTide. The vision and the voice behind it came from JD Walt, the Dean of the Chapel. At first, I admit that I didn't really understand the image and what he was trying to say. But soon, the image of the Kingdom and God's work and presence in the world as a rising, unstoppable tide worked its way down deep inside me. Since then, I haven't been able to shake it. I have found myself actually drawing and doodling the image... swelling waves, rising tides, unleashed momentum. Recently my friend Matt Lewis and I were eating at the Great Wall in Wilmore and he began to share the same story... of an image and idea (vision) that had been gripping his heart... I knew before he even said it what the image was going be... the rising tide. It's a metaphor on the move, a visible word with a life of its own. It is also consistent with the kingdom images drawn out by Jesus...the kingdom is like a mustard seed... like a pinch of yeast... like something that starts out small and unassuming, but swells and pulses and churns and explodes... like a tide on the rise.

"Kingdom Tide"
Hear the roar of rushing wind
Breath of God, bring life again
See the waves of coming change
A mighty movement advancing His name

Dawn breaks through the darkness
Hope swells like the sea
When the body is as one in beloved community
A city on a hill
The light you can't hide
You can't stop the rising of the Kingdom Tide

Feel the flood sweep through the streets
In its wake, the song of the redeemed
Taste the rain fall fresh and new
Awakening the world to You

May Your Kingdom come
May Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven