Thursday, August 16, 2007


I had the honor of speaking at a camp out in Iowa earlier this summer. On the first night of the camp, a drama team performed a powerful skit where they painted a picture of Jesus on the cross. They left it displayed on a music stand next to the stage.

Being somewhat of a jerk, it took me all of 4 seconds to realize that I needed that music stand for my Bible and notes. So, I had a friend move the painting. Notice I didn’t actually move it myself. I’m not that much of a jerk. In my defense, I did ask him to keep it displayed in a prominent place. He gently placed it in the center of the platform, which was decorated with various road signs (ah, classic youth camp), where it stayed all week. It wasn’t until the very last night that I noticed he had set the painting right next to a sign that read ‘one way.’

Layers. While I was preaching my heart out all week long, this simple image was quietly telling a story behind me. I believe there are rich layers to our worship that most people will never notice… including us. But they are there. Telling the story. Scripted by the Spirit, unseen but unmistakable.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

summer update: anna grace!

The first of several summer updates...
Anna Grace LeRoy has arrived! My brother Josh and his wife Laura gave birth a couple of weeks ago to their first daughter. She's a lovely little thing with her mom's good looks and her dad's sense of humor (you know, because of the pooping and all). Here are a couple of pictures. For more, click on our new flickr banner.

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